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Cosmetic changes are the fastest and easiest way to give your weatherboard home a new look in preparation for a sale so you can maximise the price.

First impressions are important and a bright, clean frontage will impress prospective buyers and positively affect how they view the entire house.

Areas to focus on are a thick lick of paint in the right colour scheme, a smart front door, ensuring windows are in good condition, and giving the deck a really good scrub and revarnish.

Here’s 7 ways to maximise the value of your weatherboard home:

Paint the exterior – There are countless colour combinations for a weatherboard. Talk to your paint supplier about the most popular, classical colour schemes. Whites and greys are particularly popular at the moment.

Consider a new door. If the old one is tired or not in fashion, take the plunge and offer a fresh face to your home. The style you choose should match the period of the home and its interior, otherwise your efforts may backfire. There’s no harm in getting a new lock to enhance security.

Paint your front door. If the door is in good shape, be brave and give it a bright colour like a red or a yellow with gloss paint. This is especially effective for houses facing on to the street. A paint-job will update the look of your home. Keep a small tin of the paint handy to cover over any scratches or blemishes while the house is on the market. If you can’t face a bright front door, then opt for darker colours such as plum, even black. They’re classical, so you won’t go wrong. In this scenario, let the quality door furnishings do all the work.

Brighten the windows. These are often forgotten in the rush to prepare for an open house but are a key part of the charm of a weatherboard. Rotten window frames tell the buyer the property is not well maintained and other sins may lurk. Dirty windows filter out natural light and darken the interior. Installing new windows is another quick way to refresh a weatherboard. Consider whether it is possible to increase the size of windows and allow more sunlight into your home, as this has a positive impact on buyers. Council permission may be required. But it is important not to mis-match the materials with the style of your weatherboard. Resist the urge to install aluminium joinery if everything else is wood.

Polish up your porch. Part of the appeal and character of a weatherboard is its porch. Polish up this facet of your property, as it will make a super impact on any buyer’s view of the quality of the building. Use a pressure-hose to give it a good clean and re-seal, or replace broken timber. Decking can really come to life with a re-stain and oil or varnish.

Brush up the fence. Timber and iron fences benefit from a coat of paint that provides a fresh look. A quality gate that is painted and opens easily without a squeak is a positive message. Consider how you might colour-co-ordinate the gate, fence and front door to create a compelling combination.

Get gardening. Weatherboard cottages are irresistable with formal and traditional gardens. Mow the lawn, trim the hedge and use flowering plants to create colour and depth. Place some signature pots on the verandah and clean up or re-lay a garden path that leads to the front door. Consider formal roses along the path or rows of agapanthus.

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