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Where’s the house?

Melbourne based investor looking to add to their property portfolio. Seeking solid rental yield.

Here’s the keys

We found and secured a 3 bedroom, 2 Bath, 2 Car in Charlemont well within budget. The property is
securely leased for a longer term and will deliver both solid yield and capital growth.

Who we help

Our team of professional property advisors offer contemporary advocacy services and advice to our clients when buying or selling property - saving them time and money.

Buyers Advocate

  • First Home Buyers
  • Interstate relocators.
  • Upsizers and downsizers
  • Expats
  • Regional home buyers

Selling Advocate

  • Upsizers and downsizers
  • Relocators
  • Liquidation sellers
  • Deceased estates
  • Those with a change in life circumstances

Investing Advocate

  • First time investors
  • Rent-vestors
  • Multi-portfolio investors
  • SMSF Investors
  • Regional investors

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